Goblin Slayer Wiki

Axe Warrior is an Adventurer and Party Leader of a Ragged Party that was down on it's luck for a while. Recently, he's had a turn for the better in his luck and is able to lead his Party to better success.


Axe Warrior has black hair and sharp teeth, exemplifying his wild appearance. He also wears light armor, mainly because he can't afford any better, and an axe dangling at his hip.


Wild and tough, Axe Warrior is a fighter first and foremost, but he does try to be a leader for his Party and those beneath him in rank. When he was given command of the Earth Mother Temple Defense, Axe Warrior took the job very seriously even if he admitted he didn't feel ready to be a leader on such a scale.

Sadly, Axe Warrior and the rest of his Party have a tendency to argue amongst themselves, a lot. However, it should be noted most of the arguments are mainly due to his sub-leader Half-Elf Warlock's foul temper.


Year One Volume 3[]

When Half-Elf Warlock was angered about losing out on recovering spell books from a group of Dark-Elves, Axe Warrior overheard her complaints and approached her hoping she could fill in as a Spellcaster for his Party. As he tried talking to her as she was already agitated and distrustful, he was interrupted by Scout Boy and Druid Girl who were trying to keep Heavy Warrior from leaving the Guild in his weakened state.

Later, Axe Warrior was able to get Half-Elf Warlock to join his growing Party; alongside Middle-Aged Monk and Rhea Scout.


Unlike the rest of his peers like Heavy Warrior, Spearman, and Goblin Slayer who went on to become accomplished Adventurers, Silver-Ranked, and even living legends, Axe Warrior did not. Instead, he and his Party fell on hard times, unaware that Rhea Scout was siphoning funds from the Party, and stayed at Steel-Rank for a long time.

Goblin Slayer Volume 2[]


Axe Warrior tries to get that promotion

During a promotion review for his party, Axe Warrior was on edge and ordered Middle-Aged Monk to stop praying because it was throwing him off his game. He argued that getting promoted to Sapphire could make or break their careers and urged everyone to take it seriously and professionally. As Rhea Scout went in cocky and came out in a fury he asked him for an update, but he never saw Rhea Scout again. However, he and the rest of his team were promoted to Sapphire-Rank turning their luck around.

Goblin Slayer Volume 10[]

After three years, Axe Warrior and the rest of his Party had risen to Emerald-Rank, and were charged to lead the defense of the Earth Mother's Temple against the Forces of Chaos. As the Forces arrived, Axe Warrior relied on Club Fighter who was able to prove himself with his dual-wielding style against a Manticore. The two battled against the poisonous creatures and tried to keep track of the rookies who needed healing.

During the height of battle, Axe Warrior noticed an Adventurer complaining of an "upset" stomach, however, Axe Warrior was able to deduce the Elf was lying as his tag denoted him as "Human". Realizing he was an interloper, Axe Warrior tried to apprehend him, but the Dark Elf got past him and tried to go for Half-Elf Warlock, only for her to just kill him in a rage for "being loud". Stumped, Axe Warrior went back to the front line with Club Fighter after Half-Elf Warlock screamed at him to "get back to work".

Goblin Slayer Volume 13[]

During the start of Winter, Axe Warrior had been able to recruit a new scout to his Party, an Elf Scout who wore too much pale face cream, but he didn't care because she was able to prove her worth.

As Guild Girl and Goblin Slayer were preparing their Practice Dungeon, Half-Elf Warlock announced she was being tasked by the Guild to help out by creating "Goblins" for the event she'd be unavailable for Quests for a while. Seeing the potential disaster of losing their spellcaster and thus being unable to go on quests, Axe Warrior tried to convince Half-Elf Warlock to get them hired as help as well.

During the event, Axe Warrior discovered a real deceased Goblin in the Practice Dungeon causing an alarm to be raised. When Elf Scout discovered a secret passage into the mountains, Goblin Slayer went on the hunt and Guild Girl tasked Axe Warrior to keep the inside of the Practice Dungeon safe.


While not exactly as impressive as the rest of his peers, Axe-Warrior is still strong since removing Rhea Scout has started slowly climbing the ranks again. Still, the fact he, as the leader, never noticed one of his party was siphoning funds shows a lack of awareness on his part.


  • Axe: Axe Warrior's choice of weapon.


e - d - vCharacters
Major Characters

GoblinSlayer box Goblin SlayerPriestess box PriestessHighElfArcher box High Elf ArcherDwarfShaman box Dwarf ShamanLizardPriest box Lizard PriestCowGirl box Cow GirlGuildGirl box Guild GirlSwordMaiden box Sword Maiden


Apprentice Cleric Die Captain Die Druid Girl Die Dwarf Scout Die Elf Acolyte Die Elf Swordswoman Die Female Knight Die Female Warrior Die Female Wizard Die Fighter (formerly) Die Half-Elf Light Warrior Die Half-Elf Ranger Die Half-Elf Scout Die Harefolk Hunter Die Heavy Warrior Die Hero Die Knight of Diamonds Die Martial Artist Die Myrmidon Monk Die Noble Fencer (formerly) Die Professor Die Rhea Fighter Die Rhea Scout (formerly) Die Rookie Warrior Die Sage Die Scout Boy Die Spearman Die Sword Saint Die Warrior Die Witch Die Wizard Die Wizard Boy Die Young Warrior


Dark Elf Die Demon Lord Die Evil Wizard Die Goblin Lord Die Hecatoncheir Die Ice Witch Die Ogre


Apprentice Boy Die Arc Mage Die Burglar Die Cow Girl's Uncle Die Death Die Forest Princess Die Goblin Slayer's Older Sister Die Guild Girl's Colleague Die Illusion Die Inspector Die Life Die Padfoot Waitress Die Senior Guild Receptionist Die Silver-Haired Maid Die Sister Grape Die Smith Die The King Die The Princess Die Truth

TRPG Belvedere Die Choushunka Die Kyuu Die Legato Improvvisazione