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Baturu, meaning a Centaur Warrior, is a warrior lady of the Centaur tribes of the Great Plains. She comes to the Frontier Town in search of her tribe's missing Princess, and after a misunderstanding due to her brash nature, Goblin Slayer takes her case.


Short for a woman of her race, Baturu more than makes up for it with armor and sheer tenacity. She ties her hair in a ponytail in an attempt to emulate her older sister more.


Not exactly the friendliest young lady, Baturu stares daggers at nearly everyone she meets and believes being in a Human town is like "being in enemy territory". She's also very quick to jump to conclusions, as she accused Heavy Warrior of harassment and kidnapping, causing massive problems for him, the Adventurer's Guild, and even her sister based solely on Heavy Warrior, matching a very common description and mainly because he was just a little too close to her sister. Baturu also has a bit of a "Napoleon Complex" due to her being shorter than the average Centaur and even some regular horses, owing that to a lot of her bitterness.

Despite these negative traits, Baturu can be very sweet and kind to those who have gained her trust; she loves her older sister Centaur Waitress whom she looks up to for her maturity and is very overprotective of her.

Baturu suffered from massive culture shock when she witnessed how Centaur culture has changed in the urbanized areas. She believed all the Centaur women were "being put on display" and initially, she ignored how the ladies were enjoying the competitive sports lifestyle until Lightning chastised her for not taking the Urban Centaur's ideals and beliefs into account. Eventually, Baturu learned to accept that Centaurs who leave the Plains like her sister and Princess, found their own culture and made peace with their choices.



Baturu was born on the great plains and trained as the heiress of her family as well as a Baturu, a Centaur warrior, in order to bring honor to her tribe. One day, one of her Princesses decided to leave the tribe to become an Adventurer but never sent word back to the tribe of her safety, Baturu took it upon herself to find her Princess and set out.

Goblin Slayer Volume 15[]

LN Vol 15-04

Baturu "protects" her sister

Baturu enters the Frontier Town in search of her tribe's Princess as well as the Adventurer who convinced her to leave the tribe, believing he kidnapped her. On her search, she stops by the "Dear Friend's Axe Tavern" to visit her sister the Centaur Waitress first and upon seeing her sister serving Heavy Warrior, she loses it, attacking him and accusing him of not only harassing her sister, but of being the "kidnapper" of the Princess. Her reasons simply being because he uses a greatsword like the man she was looking for, and she believed he was harassing her sister, causing both Heavy Warrior and Centaur Waitress massive problems for their public images.

The next day, Goblin Slayer's Party as well as Female Knight take time to explain to Baturu how extremely unlikely it was that Heavy Warrior was her culprit and how common his look is among Adventurers. Baturu still would not listen to reason and was adamant she was not mistaken, and she refused to explain herself until Priestess politely asked her to explain. As everyone asked her to submit herself to Inspector for her Sense Lie, Baturu refused believing her word was enough, and she even stated she wouldn't believe it if the Sense Lie vindicated Heavy Warrior. Her sister told her to make a formal request to the Guild for help with her situation, which Baturu reluctantly did until she learned her "Jiaochao", paper currency Centaur trade in, was useless outside Centaur Tribes, infuriating her further. Baturu only started settling down when her sister ordered her to "play nice" and apologized to everyone for her.

LN Vol 15-01

Baturu shows her skills

The next day, Baturu made a further scene in the carriage port, refusing to be in a wagon that was pulled by a horse, especially after many noted said horse was taller than her. However, after some encouragement from Priestess, Baturu agreed to get in on the logic that she should save her stamina and energy in case of danger. As they journeyed, Goblins eventually attacked; these were riding wargs, bigger and stronger wolves, this prompted Baturu to join the fight and cut through the Goblin Riders proving Centaur superiority as open plains fighters. With her victory, Goblin Slayer began to wonder if Goblins were somehow involved in this missing princess case.

LN Vol 15-07

Baturu isn't a fan of the finer things in life

Arriving in the Water Town, Priestess and High Elf Archer took Baturu too a bath house so they get try to get her to open up to them. Baturu however was not exactly very keen on the environment, once again not liking the public and crowded setting. As the girls tried to get her to enjoy herself after her battle earlier, Baturu complained about the bath, deciding Centaur way of bathing was much more efficient than taking a soak.

After meeting up with Female Merchant, she took the Party and Baturu to the Coliseum where the Lady Division of the Centaur Sports Division was playing. Here, Baturu realized how the City Centaur have abandoned their nomadic Plains lifestyle for a competitive sports lifestyle which horrified her. Baturu suffered from severe culture shock and accused the other races for "Corrupting" her people, "putting their women on display", and refused to believe her missing princess could be apart of such a thing. Her world was turned upside down however when Lightning, one of Female Merchants Centaur athletes, pretty much confirmed the missing "Silver Blaze", a recent up and coming star, and Baturu's missing Princess had to be one in the same as their descriptions were spot on. Devastated, Baturu broke down, ranting about the Centaur in the city "losing their way", until Lightning confronts her about how while the City Centaur have made their own culture, they still share the same values as their nomadic cousins, easing her. As the Party began to leave to continue the search for the missing Sliver Blaze, Baturu is warned of the rumor that Silver Blaze came to the City because of a "Coachman", a slaver specializing in Centaurs, causing all of them great worry.

LN Vol 15-11

Princess Rescued!

As Baturu investigated Silver Blaze's abduction scene, Baturu and the others recognized there was clear signs of a struggle as well as Silver Blaze's trainer's body. With Goblin Slayer's Rogues Guild connections, Baturu followed the Party into the fields where they tracked the Goblin Horde from earlier, which led them to a stone structure with an Immortal Sorcerer. Seeing that the Immortal Sorcerer had Silver Blaze captive, Batauru was able to confirm that Silver Blaze was her missing Princess and charged forth with Goblin Slayer to rescue her, slaying the Immortal Sorcerer in the process. However, in the process of slaying the Sorcerer, the Immortal Sorcerer's curse had attached to Baturu and tried sapping her of her life force to sustain his. Priestess's Purify and the rest of the Party's quick thinking managed to save her and seal the Immortal Sorcerer, saving Baturu. After all that, Baturu and the rest of the Party were shocked that despite all the chaos that had just transpired, Silver Blaze could only ask if she had missed her next race while in captivity, leaving Baturu exasperated.

The following day, during Silver Blaze's next race, Baturu noticed the extravaganza the Water Town was hosting for her return and came to a somber realization, her Princess wouldn't return to the Plains with her. As she came to terms with the fact that her Princess and her older sister had found their own paths in life away from her way of life, Baturu resolved to always be waiting to welcome them back should they ever decide to come home.


Baturu is a strong Centaur warrior or a "Baturu" as her people call them. Relying on speed and force, as a Centaur she is unparalleled in fighting in the open Plains. Being a Centaur however, steep hills and sharp inclines are her natural enemies for traversal as she cannot pick up speed in such landscapes.


  • Large Daisho: Baturu is a master with her large Daisho sword, swiftly cutting through Goblins and even an Immortal Sorcerer with relative ease.
  • Large Bow: Baturu carries a large bow on her back, but she never got the chance to use it on her adventure with Goblin Slayer's Party.


  • "Baturu" is not her real name, much like other characters, "Baturu" is only her title as "Baturu" is Centaur for a "Warrior"
  • The main theme of Baturu's character arc is a reference to the "The Country Mouse and the City Mouse" fable. Baturu is the "Country Mouse" who goes to the Big City, but instead of being enamored by the change, she uses aggression to hide her fear and insecurities about it and that the women she looks up to have chosen to become "City Mice".


e - d - vCharacters
Major Characters

GoblinSlayer box Goblin SlayerPriestess box PriestessHighElfArcher box High Elf ArcherDwarfShaman box Dwarf ShamanLizardPriest box Lizard PriestCowGirl box Cow GirlGuildGirl box Guild GirlSwordMaiden box Sword Maiden


Apprentice Cleric Die Captain Die Druid Girl Die Dwarf Scout Die Elf Acolyte Die Elf Swordswoman Die Female Knight Die Female Warrior Die Female Wizard Die Fighter (formerly) Die Half-Elf Light Warrior Die Half-Elf Ranger Die Half-Elf Scout Die Harefolk Hunter Die Heavy Warrior Die Hero Die Knight of Diamonds Die Martial Artist Die Myrmidon Monk Die Noble Fencer (formerly) Die Professor Die Rhea Fighter Die Rhea Scout (formerly) Die Rookie Warrior Die Sage Die Scout Boy Die Spearman Die Sword Saint Die Warrior Die Witch Die Wizard Die Wizard Boy Die Young Warrior


Dark Elf Die Demon Lord Die Evil Wizard Die Goblin Lord Die Hecatoncheir Die Ice Witch Die Ogre


Apprentice Boy Die Arc Mage Die Burglar Die Cow Girl's Uncle Die Death Die Forest Princess Die Goblin Slayer's Older Sister Die Guild Girl's Colleague Die Illusion Die Inspector Die Life Die Padfoot Waitress Die Senior Guild Receptionist Die Silver-Haired Maid Die Sister Grape Die Smith Die The King Die The Princess Die Truth

TRPG Belvedere Die Choushunka Die Kyuu Die Legato Improvvisazione