Examiner is a former Adventurer turned receptionist who works in the capital's Adventurer's Guild as a high-ranking member. Upon discovering Goblin Slayer's abnormal number of completed goblin quests, she travels to the frontier to evaluate his capabilities before he can be promoted.

Examiner before her accident
Examiner has dark bob-length hair with bangs that cover the right side of her face and her injured right eye. Unlike other female guild employees, she wears the male uniform of a dark suit over a white shirt and tie, and a pair of dark pants and shoes.
Despite her sharp features and bifauxnen looks, many consider her a very beautiful woman. She also is deceptively toned and muscular thanks to her previous occupation as a Fighter class of Adventurer.
Examiner is curt, blunt, calm, and stern; she is somewhat quiet and gives off the impression of being adherent to rules, standards, and a status quo of doing things. Many are intimidated by her cool and aloof aura. As an experienced receptionist, she is capable of maintaining her composure under stressful situations such as handling rowdier adventurers and clients. She is unafraid of resorting to force if she deems it necessary for resolving a situation presented to her.
Going along with her curt and stern demeanor, Examiner is quick to use demeaning titles to people she is not exactly fond of, as she kept referring to Goblin Slayer as "Boy" as she found his Adventurer title of "Goblin Slayer" distasteful. This however, is ironic as she is not pleased when Guild Girl calls her "her Senior" (as she is her senior in Guild hierarchy) and glares at her to correct herself, showing she is conscious about her age to some degree.
However, she is also considerate and analytical underneath her intimidating exterior. She exercises the appropriate caution, respect, and diligence in situations after assessing them. And despite her frosty demeanor, she is also thoughtful and has been alluded to be gentler than first impressions let on, as Guild Girl even mentions that she never once yelled or raised her voice at her trainees.

Examiner's Adventuring Partner
Examiner was once an adventurer who challenged the Dungeon of the Dead with a female wizard. [1] The two formed an Adventurer Party together and at Examiner's urging decided to delve deeper into the Dungeon than they had before despite her partner's hesitance. Her party was unsure of her abilities in actual practice as she mainly practiced in theory, but Examiner reasoned they'd never know unless they tried. They eventually went down and during the delve, Examiner's partner fired a Fireball spell at Examiner's urging, the spell however, backfired horribly and burned Examiner's right eye, blinding her in it, which ended her career as an Adventurer.
She would later become a high-ranking Adventurer's Guild staff member in the Capital and serve as Guild Girl's mentor years before the events of Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One.[2]
Goblin Slayer Year One[]
Whilst performing her usual routine at the capital, she notices an absurd amount of quest reports from an Adventurer only taking on Goblin Slaying Quests, recognizing their handler as Guild Girl, her former trainee. Disturbed by what she saw as "low level grinding", she promptly travels to the frontier to investigate this matter, throwing the entire Western Frontier Town's Guild staff into a panic.
Meeting with Guild Girl to learn more, Examiner explains that while she sees no problems with Guild Girl's evaluation of Goblin Slayer's promotion, she insists that he must be tested to assess his skill in accomplishing anything other than slaying goblins. She also wanted to test his ability to work within a party; a way to confirm his potential promotion was merited. Once the adventurer in question, Goblin Slayer, was then summoned to meet with them, Examiner explained the particulars of his "promotional test" to him, only to be thrown off further when he revealed he "did not care" about promotions, forcing her to explain the delicate Guild system and how poorly it would look for the Guild if they didn't promote him with his accrued "experience points". Examiner informs him of his test before setting off on a quest with him to evaluate his skill as his evaluator and impromptu party member.
On the hunt, she evaluates Goblin Slayer, easily admitting that he is indeed a good scout class at the very least, but quips he is being very poor at keeping her, his Party Member, informed of what he's doing. As he slays a small group of Goblins, one slips by him and she swiftly kills it with her chain and martial arts skills, leading her to chastise him for not protecting his back row by keeping her informed of his plans, not because a Goblin slipped by him, because things like that can happen. Examiner is then shocked to discover, Goblin Slayer continuing his hunt, as he reasons there are more Goblins close by due to the wolf tracks, making him believe there is a larger Horde nearby.
As they camp, Examiner tries to impart her wisdom on to Goblin Slayer, trying to get him to understand why she felt his focus on Goblins was a breach of Guild rules. Her reasons being it seemed he was "low level-grinding" and taking opportunities from other rookies; while Goblin Slayer countered how dangerous the Goblins really were to those who were not prepared like eager young rookies that make one mistake that could cost them everything. Despite their traded quips, Examiner does open up to Goblin Slayer, remaking how she lost her eye and cryptically about how she was also once an eager young rookie who made a single mistake which cost her her career.
The next morning, the Examiner follows Goblin Slayer to a village, and she throws him a bone by informing him that people might be really put off by a man who looks like living undead armor just suddenly walking into their little village. She approaches the villagers explaining the situation allowing them a meeting with the Village Chief, who admits he did not realize the Goblin situation was that bad, worrying about his very pregnant wife. Examiner keeps Goblin Slayer in line by reminding everyone that Goblin Slayer can't go slaying until the Chief formally makes a Quest to keep things legal.
At the Goblin Nest, Examiner notes Goblin Slayer is doing a much better job at keeping her informed, but refuses to cover her scent against Goblin Slayer's advice. As the two rescue a female hostage, Goblin Slayer is captured by the Goblins and brought to the Goblin Lord who tries to use Goblin Slayer as bait to lure Examiner in. Examiner places the hostage somewhere safe and returns to rescue Goblin Slayer who had already escaped and takes him to a store room to recover. The two use the supplies in the rooms to make bombs as even Examiner admits that they cannot allow the Goblin Lord to live or leave this nest. As Goblin Slayer begins his assault, Examiner helps him by lighting and giving him the bombs, slowly whittling down their numbers until she has had enough prep time to pull off her Hundred-Pace Fist technique, killing the Goblin Lord with Goblin Slayer's help and blowing up the entire nest.
Reporting back to the village with the freed hostage, Examiner hands Goblin Slayer a note for Guild Girl and decides to walk back to the Capital. Examiner imparts her final words of wisdom to Goblin Slayer, urging him to go on real Adventures and join a Party, admitting she found that a scout and warrior of his caliber was wasted in his mad quest to eradicate Goblins. With that, Examiner departs back to the Capital with a smile, wishing Goblin Slayer luck in the future; her note to Guild Girl revealing she had passed Goblin Slayer for promotion to Steel-Rank.
At some point, Examiner reconnected with her old Adventuring partner.
Light Novel Volume 16[]
During the jousting tournament held in the capital, Examiner and her Partner had gone on the last day to enjoy the Semi-Finals and Finals. As an invasion of monsters attacked the stadium, Inspector answered the call of her "Princess" and worked alongside her partner to protect the civilians. As she was battling against the invading monsters, she gave The Girl words of encouragement and wisdom.

Preparing the Hundred-Pace Fist
- Trained Combatant: She was a martial artist back when "Death" emanated from the Dungeon of the Dead.[1] During the events of Goblin Slayer Year One, she has been capable of feats such as striking a goblin with enough force to rupture its head.
- Hundred-Pace Fist: A powerful technique that travels through the air to deliver a hard-hitting blow to an opponent, with a range of one-hundred paces. She uses it on a goblin lord, managing to shatter its head.[3]
- Stealth Capabilities : She also seems to possess some high level of stealth as Goblin Slayer could not hear her footsteps at all despite walking through tall grass.
- Bladed Chain Whip: Examiner wields a bladed chain whip as her weapon of choice. This weapon allows her to attack from a variety of distances. It is unknown where she stores this weapon as she has been seen to draw it immediately from within the sleeves of her suit.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One Manga - Chapter 62
- ↑ Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One Manga - Chapter 46
- ↑ Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One Manga - Chapter 73