Familiar Mage is a Sorceress working for the Rogues Guild, however, she works with the Rogues exclusively through a Familiar, never interacting with them personally.
The Familiar Mage's real appearance is unknown, as she communicates with the Rogue's Guild through a Familiar. What is known though about Familiar Mage's real appearance is that she is a young woman, though her race is still unknown.
The Familiar itself, a strange but cute creature, looks like a cross between a rabbit and a cat complete with white fur, a big fluffy bob tail, long graceful longs, and long ears.
Familiar Mage has a rather playful personality but whether this is her real personality or a front she puts up for appearances is unknown. However, her genuine banter with Knowledge Cleric implies there is some truth in her playfulness.
Nothing is known about the Familiar Mage apart from vague hints and clues she drops through her Familiar. At some point, she joined the Rogues Guild and was placed at the same time as Spy.
Goblin Slayer Volume 10[]
Familiar Mage aided Spy and Changeling as they infiltrated a corrupt Wine Merchant’s villa, however, she remained in coach alongside Knowledge Cleric.[1]
Goblin Slayer Volume 12[]

Familiar Mage and Knowledge Cleric messing with Spy's affections
Spy and his team were hired to assassinate a drug addict who has been stealing from her suppliers to sell her own stash. [2]
By the end of the mission, Familiar Mage revealed she was in connection with the Silver-Haired Maid, the Spy Master for the Royal Court, and she had been the one to hire the Rogues Guild for the mission. Having exposed the corrupt City Guard had put Familiar Mage and her Party in Silver-Haired Maid's confidence who rewarded them greatly and promised she'd be in touch.
Goblin Slayer Volume 16[]
During a meeting of religious officials, Familiar Mage accompanied Knowledge Cleric while disguised as her pet.
Familiar Mage uses her Familiar as well as her magic to help her party.
- Familiar: As the name implies, Familiar Mage is adept at making Familiars; magical creatures that have a connection with a spell caster. The Familiars are powerful enough to be used as a conduit for long distance communication with her team.
- Familiar Mage has never made an actual appearance in series, communicating and working solely through her Familiar
- While unconfirmed, a popular fan theory is that Familiar Mage and Witch are the same person, but there has been no concrete evidence to back this up apart from Witch stating she has a Familiar.
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 10 Pause: Of Running Through the Shadows of the Capital
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 12 Chapter 3: Hit And Run