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The Elven King's Forest (エルフの王の森, Erufu no Ō no Mori) is the eighteenth episode of the anime adaptation of Goblin Slayer and the sixth episode of its second season. It aired on November 10, 2023 in Japan.


As the Goblins attack Goblin Slayer's Party on their raft, Priestess uses her Barrier Miracle to defend the Party from the falling rocks. Goblin Slayer then uses a spear launcher to whittle away at the Goblin Horde, as Lizard Priest and Dwarf Shaman try to steer the raft to safety. However, the Goblins have dammed up the river causing the raft to halt and allowing the Goblins to attack. As Dwarf Shaman prepares his Undine spell, Priestess quickly casts her new Purify Miracle to break the trash apart, allowing the group to escape. Seeing an opening, Lizard Priest casts Roar, causing the Goblins to scatter as the Party floats to safety.

At camp, the ladies change in to swimwear to let their dresses dry and go into the river to catch fish for dinner and have fun. Goblin Slayer and the rest begin building camp as Goblin Slayer makes plans to go after the Goblin Nest. While eating their dinner, High Elf Archer explains how Elf courtship works to prepare the Party for the coming wedding. The next morning, High Elf Archer's cousin, and groom of the coming wedding, Shining Helm arrives to their camp and questions Goblin Slayer and he confirms his Guard eliminated the Goblins from earlier. Shining Helm then demands to see High Elf Archer, and finds her, in a tent with the rest of the sleeping women embarrassing himself for barging in on them.

On their way to the Elven Village, Shining Helm warns that the Goblins have been more troublesome lately, hoping the famous "Orcbolg" (Goblin Slayer's Elven title) could lend his expertise. However, he also warns that "The One Who Stops the Waters" has been coming closer and closer to their village as High Elf Archer welcomes the Party to her home village. As they unpack, Lizard Priest and Dwarf Shaman leaves to get food as Cow Girl, Guild Girl, and Priestess go to freshen up. Alone, High Elf Archer turns one of Goblin Slayer's bolas into a toy as her elder sister, the Forest Princess, arrives to greet her and Goblin Slayer. Goblin Slayer however, sees her attendant and recognizes her as the Elf Captive from his first Adventure with his Party, and he informs her he killed all her former tormentors which causes her to break down in relief.

Alone, Forest Princess admits she is not happy with High Elf Archer being an Adventurer and wishes she would come back home to be safe with her, as well as admit she's not happy that she's adventuring with a Dwarf. As High Elf Archer defends her choices, Forest Princess questions why she is so intent on staying with Goblin Slayer. However, as the sisters trade polite barbs, the ground begins to shake and Goblin Slayer swiftly arrives with her weapons and is guards Forest Princess as High Elf Archer goes off to confront "The One Who Stops the Waters", Mokele Mubenbe a large saurpod creature.

Remembering High Elf Archer's description of an elephant, Goblin Slayer wonders allowed if Mokele Mubenbe is said elephant only to be corrected by High Elf Archer.

Characters by Appearance[]

GoblinSlayer box
HighElfArcher box
Priestess box
DwarfShaman box
LizardPriest box
Goblin Slayer High Elf Archer Priestess Dwarf Shaman Lizard Priest
GuildGirl box
CowGirl box
ForestPrincess box
Guild Girl Cow Girl Forest Princess

Episode Notes[]

  • The goblins did not throw any trash or human remains down the river path. Instead they use a dam composed of fallen trees and skulls to block the adventurers' path, unlike both the light novel and the manga.
  • Goblin Slayer's internal monologue before being confronted by High Elf Archer's cousin was omitted.
  • Some parts of the conversation with High Elf Archer's cousin on their way to the elven Village was omitted.
  • Lizard Priest and Dwarf Shaman's entire conversation with High Elf Archer's cousin was omitted.
  • Priestess, Cow Girl, and Guild Girl's bath scene was omitted.
  • The flashback of Goblin Slayer saving the Elf Captive was omitted.