Jungle Cruise (ジャングルクルーズ, Janguru Kurūzu) is the nineteenth episode of the anime adaptation of Goblin Slayer and the seventh episode of its second season. It aired on November 17, 2023 in Japan.
As Mokele Mubenbe begins its charge towards the Elven Village, High Elf Archer realizes there is a Goblin riding on its back controlling it. Not wanting to hurt "The One Who Stops the Waters", High Elf Archer asks for Goblin Slayer to come up with a plan that deals with the Goblin but keeps Mokele Mubenbe unharmed. Dwarf Shaman suggests just shooting the Goblin immediately so Goblin Slayer can lead an attack on Mokele Mubenbe as Priestess told Cow Girl and Guild Girl to go to safety to their guest room so they can throw them more of Goblin Slayer's tools. Despite Shining Helm's protest and hoping they'd allow the Elven Guards to handle the situation, High Elf Archer laughs him off however as she swings into battle, killing the Goblin, and allowing Lizard Priest to cast Roar and Dwarf Shaman to cast Stupor. Dazed, Mokele Mubenbe is tripped by Goblin Slayer's rope that Cow Girl and Guild Girl threw down to him. After the battle, Shining Helm admits he is impressed and after being questioned about any more villages, Goblin Slayer begins planning his hunt for the Goblins.
That night, Forest Princess sneaks out of an emergency meeting to talk with her little sister about coming back home, to which High Elf Archer disagrees to. Forest Princess however, warns her about how short Human lives are in comparison to Elves, making it clear she sees High Elf Archer's attraction to Goblin Slayer. High Elf Archer fires back that she'd rather spend more time with her friends, saying how "good byes" are just part of mortal life, as she promises to return home "someday".
During a recess from the meeting, Shining Helm holds council with Goblin Slayer about the Goblin situation and a plan of attack; however, Dwarf Shaman takes the moment to get the Groom-to-Be drunk with good food and wine with Lizard Priest. As the duo playfully tease Shining Helm, Goblin Slayer agrees with Shining Helm that Goblins making a nest near a major Elven village is indeed strange, almost stupid on their part. However, he also points out that Elves, due to their long lifespans, do take tend to forever to notice and deal with a problem; surmising the Goblins were just ignored until the grew to be bold enough to attack the village. The conversation turns to Shining Helm admitting he doesn't understand his future sister-in-law, and upon hearing Goblin Slayer himself had a sister, chastises Goblin Slayer berating himself for being "nothing but a burden to her"; arguing that she took care of him because she loved him and, as the survivor, needs to live for her, something Dwarf Shaman and Lizard Priest agree with.
Back at the Temple of the Supreme God, Sword Maiden has deciphered the tablets Goblin Slayer brought her previously. Realizing the sheer danger he discovered, Sword Maiden gleefully realizes Goblin Slayer had helped her immensely, but laments that he most likely won't be interest in what he found for her. Asking one of her attendants to bring her a note and a carrier pigeon, her attendant begs her not to waste resources on another failed love letter for Goblin Slayer. Sword Maiden however reveals this is actually a serious situation and the note is to be for the Chief of the Elves.
As Goblin Slayer prepares to go on the hunt, Cow Girl asks him to stay safe, to which he asks her the same. As he leaves Cow Girl playfully chastises Guild Girl for hiding, as she didn't want Goblin Slayer to see her without make-up, only to be reminded she's pretty already and Goblin Slayer wouldn't have cared either way. As he prepares to launch off with a boat prepared by Shining Helm, Goblin Slayer requests a second boat after Shining Helm warns him of fog. Using the second boat manned by Lizard Priest's Dragontooth Warriors as a diversion, Goblin Slayer and Lizard Priest are able to get the Party up the river and find the Goblin's Nest in an abandoned dam fortress. The Party though is horrified to find the perimeter surrounded by the bodies of Elves and other Adventurers impaled "Vlad the Impaler" style, showing how bold and depraved these particular Goblins have grown.
Inside, Goblin Slayer and the Party explore and takes stock of the area, surmising a strong Goblin Shaman took control of Mokele Mubenbe earlier and realize the sauropod might return here as they commit bodies of Adventurers they find to the River for proper burial. However, the Party instead finds the Goblins have been using an old wine press to press the bodies of their captives, causing their blood, organs, and waste to pollute the river in an attempt to poison or curse the Elven Village. As they rest, Goblin Slayer apologizes to High Elf Archer for the adventure being a Goblin Slaying Quest, yet again. High Elf Archer however, admits this time is different and personal, as she takes note the the sheer depravity of the Goblins here seem to have had a negative effect of Priestess as she goes to comfort her.
Characters by Appearance[]
Characters | ||||||
Goblin Slayer | High Elf Archer | Priestess | Dwarf Shaman | Lizard Priest | ||
Guild Girl | Cow Girl |
Episode Notes[]
- An extended plan of how to take down the Mokele Mubenbe was omitted.
- High Elf Archer hangs on a vine to fire at a goblin instead of hanging on the side of the tree.
- Extended scenes as the adventurers head down the depths of the castle were omitted.
- Conversations with other members as they rest in the dungeon were omitted.