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Heart of Darkness (闇の奥, Yami no Chūshin) is the twentieth episode of the anime adaptation of Goblin Slayer and the eighth episode of its second season. It aired on November 24, 2023 in Japan.


As Goblin Slayer and his Party continue to investigate the Ruined Elven Fortress the Goblins have taken over, Goblin Slayer deduces Mokele Mubenbe recent rampages are because there is a Shaman among the horde controlling the beast. Realizing this complicates the extermination, Lizard Priest strategizes the coming attack formation, Goblin Slayer at point, himself and Dwarf Shaman at the flanks, and High Elf Archer guarding Priestess in the rear as she gives support. Before the battle starts, High Elf Archer thanks her friends for helping her village in this time of need when she invited them for her older sister's wedding. They reassure her they don't mind and prepare for battle.

The attack goes smoothy with High Elf Archer even wounding the Goblin Shaman, but the Goblin Shaman retaliates and casts Poison Cloud, paralyzing the entire party besides Priestess! Seeing her entire Party about to be brutalized like her first Party, Priestess counterattacks by angrily casting Purify on the Goblin Shaman's wound turning his blood into purified water which causes panic in the Goblin ranks. Realizing that she had cast a defensive Miracle in an offensive matter, Priestess breaks down realizing she had blasphemed with a gift from the Earth Mother.

Goblin Slayer is able to swiftly recover, and reassures her that she did the right thing as he and Dwarf Shaman help High Elf Archer and Lizard Priest recover. Quickly, the Party jump over the ramparts of the fortress using Dwarf Shaman's Falling Control to gently float down. The recovered Goblin Shaman tries to reorganize his army but realizes the Fortress has began to flood, causing a mini tidal wave to drown what remained of the army. Outside, Dwarf Shaman reveals the Party had prepared his Tunnel spell earlier to flood the fortress in case of emergency. Despite their victory, Priestess have a minor internal crisis of faith over her previous blaspheming, and wonders if she's still capable of being a Priest. Sensing her conflict, Goblin Slayer directs her attention at the rainbow that had materialized over the liberated fortress, settling her worries.

Elsewhere, Hero and her Party, Sword Saint and Sage in the demon realm, delivering righteous justice to the demons. As Hero gets her "Doom Slayer" on, Sage senses that the flow of water has been liberated back in the Ruined Elven Fortress, making her job of sealing the portal the demons were trying to exploit easier. As Sword Saint defends her, she wonders aloud who had liberated the Ruined Elven Fortress and destroyed the magic circle the demons were using there, as she had no faith the Elves took care of the situation so quickly. It's revealed that the tablets Goblin Slayer found earlier and gave to Sword Maiden told that the Demons had found a way to breach the mortal realm; so Sword Maiden called Hero in to hold the demons off until someone closed the magic circle in the Ruined Elven Fortress. Hero takes the unexpected turn of events as fortunate, continues to lay waste to the Demons before her.

Back in the Elven Village, the wedding of Forest Princess and Shining Helm is performed successfully. As the ceremony concludes and the After-Party begins, Dwarf Shaman and Lizard Priest enjoy telling stories to the curious Elves and Goblin Slayer questions High Elf Archer if she's staying home. High Elf Archer answers she still wants to keep adventuring for a while, and admits despite being away from home for about five years, that's the equivalent to about just a few days to her Elven people but has promised to exchange letter with her worried sister. Goblin Slayer admits he is happy High Elf Archer's elder sister was able to get married, silently remembering his older sister was never able to because she took care of him. High Elf Archer reassures him that he's become a great man and he needs to stop beating himself up as she goes off to enjoy the Party.

High Elf Archer goes to Priestess and, sensing her unease from earlier, asks her to pray to the Earth Mother for her sister's marriage to be filled with good fortune. As she prays, a gentle gust of wind blows from the forest, signalling that Priestess's prayer had reached the Earth Mother and she was still able to continue as a Priest in her name. After that, High Elf Archer urges her, Cow Girl, and Guild Girl to join the other Elven maidens as her sister prepares to toss her flower crown into group. As she tosses it, all the young women reach out for flower crown and the promise to be the next one to find love.

Afterward, High Elf Archer states she and her friends partied for three days and three nights straight before returning the the Frontier Town. She also states her sister's letter hasn't arrived since she's returned, hinting that the Elves are still celebrating the wedding even as she speaks.

Characters by Appearance[]

GoblinSlayer box
HighElfArcher box
Priestess box
DwarfShaman box
LizardPriest box
Goblin Slayer High Elf Archer Priestess Dwarf Shaman Lizard Priest
GuildGirl box
CowGirl box
Hero box
Sage box
SwordMaster box
Guild Girl Cow Girl Hero Sage Sword Saint
SwordMaiden box
Sword Maiden

Episode Notes[]

  • The anime does not include the Earth Mother scolding Priestess after the latter uses Purify on the Goblins. The act is left implied as Priestess looks skyward before she breaks down, appearing to have had a mental scolding.
  • Hero, Sword Saint, and Sage have had their hair colors and appearances corrected to be more accurate to the light novel and manga. Previously, season one had Hero as maroon-haired with orange eyes, Sword Saint as dirty blonde with green eyes, and Sage as green-haired with purple eyes. They are now correctly depicted with Hero having black hair with blue eyes, Sword Saint having light brown hair with red eyes, and Sage having white hair with yellow eyes.