Goblin Slayer Wiki
Goblin Slayer Wiki

Half-Elf Light Warrior (半森人 (ハーフエルフ) の軽戦士, Hāfuerufu no Keisenshi)[1] is a member of Heavy Warrior's Party, functioning as the Party's secondary warrior, scout, and even accountant.


Half-Elf Light Warrior is a young man with light-colored hair who wears light-plate steel armor over black clothing and carries a rapier.

In Season 1 of the anime, his hair is black, while his clothing is light grey and nearly indistinguishable from Scout Boy. Later in Season 2, he is redesigned to be more accurate to his manga/light novel description with more defined features and light green hair instead of black.


Half-Elf Light Warrior is a mature young man, serving as the second in command of the Party to Heavy Warrior and Female Knight. He's not above making fun of Female Knight for her immaturity and her love life. He greatly respects Heavy Warrior for his leadership and kindness.



In his youth, Half-Elf Light Warrior became acquainted with a General of a Fortress on the Eastern Boarder.

Half-Elf Light Warrior signed up to the Adventurer's Guild in the Frontier Town during the same Spring as Goblin Slayer. At some point, Half-Elf Light Warrior recruited Scout Boy and Druid Girl into his Party, only for all three of them to be scouted by Heavy Warrior and Female Knight.

Year One Volume 1[]

Half-Elf Light Warrior was part of the group of Adventurers that battled a Rock Eater in an abandoned gold mine. During the battle, he warned everyone about the Slimes and tried to keep his Party's younger members safe as Heavy Warrior, Female Knight, and Spearman united to take the beast down.

Year One Volume 2[]

For helping take down the Rock Eater, Half-Elf Light Warrior, along with the rest of his Party, were promoted to Obsidian Rank.

Year One Volume 3[]

As his Party were being interviewed for further potential promotions, the kids were exposed for falsifying their ages, penalizing the whole Party. Like Heavy Warrior, Half-Elf Light Warrior accepted the extra hurdles he would have to face and kept the kids in the Party rather than kick them out. With these extra hurdles though, Half-Elf Light Warrior noted that Heavy Warrior was over working himself and offered to help, solidifying himself as the Party's accountant, just before Heavy Warrior collapsed to exhaustion.

Later, as Female Knight showed Heavy Warrior as "easy job", which incidentally was his home village asking for help, Half-Elf Light Warrior subsequently tried to go to help as he reprimanded Female Knight for being so stupid. As Heavy Warrior wouldn't listen to reason, Goblin Slayer arrived and informed them he had already taken care of the situation. Stunned, Half-Elf Light Warrior could only chuckle as Female Knight dragged Heavy Warrior back to bed.

Goblin Slayer Volume 1[]

Half-Elf Light Warrior is often in the background with his Party, serving the Party's logistical needs.

Later on, when Goblin Slayer comes to the Guild asking for help against an invading Goblin Horde, Half-Elf Light Warrior is roused to action when Heavy Warrior agrees to help. Along with Female Knight, he makes a point that he knew all along that Heavy Warrior wants to repay Goblin Slayer for saving his village five years ago.

Goblin Slayer Volume 5[]

During the New Year's celebration, Half-Elf Light Warrior leaves Heavy Warrior at the mercy of the drunk Female Knight, who was clearly making not so subtle hints about wanting to her married.

Goblin Slayer Volume 6[]

During the training center's opening, Heavy Warrior and Half-Elf Light Warrior take Scout Boy with them on a special assignment while they drop Druid Girl off to the training grounds with Female Knight.

Goblin Slayer Volume 12[]

After Heavy Warrior went on another special assignment with Goblin Slayer and Spearman, Half-Elf Light Warrior, Dwarf Shaman, and Lizard Priest take Scout Boy and Druid girl on a quest to the Eastern Border, so the two younger Adventurers could make some connections. During the trip, he made it clear that his juniors' penalization was just about up and their long-term promotion freeze would be lifted, and that he wanted them to know eventually. They'll be going off on their own adventures, and he and Heavy Warrior wanted them to be ready for that.


Not much is known about Half-Elf Light Warrior's abilities, except he is a skilled swordsman and scout. He also had headgear that resembles a "Robin Hood Hat".

  • Rapier: His main weapon is a rapier he keeps at his side.


  • In Season 1 of the anime, Half-Elf Light Warrior looked identical to Scout Boy. This was later corrected in Season 2 where he was redesigned properly.
  • Half-Elf Light Warrior is one of the least explored characters in the series, despite being in a Party with two major side characters.


  1. Goblin Slayer Light Novel - Volume 3, Chapter 2: Festival's Eve
e - d - vCharacters
Major Characters

GoblinSlayer box Goblin SlayerPriestess box PriestessHighElfArcher box High Elf ArcherDwarfShaman box Dwarf ShamanLizardPriest box Lizard PriestCowGirl box Cow GirlGuildGirl box Guild GirlSwordMaiden box Sword Maiden


Apprentice Cleric Die Captain Die Druid Girl Die Dwarf Scout Die Elf Acolyte Die Elf Swordswoman Die Female Knight Die Female Warrior Die Female Wizard Die Fighter (formerly) Die Half-Elf Light Warrior Die Half-Elf Ranger Die Half-Elf Scout Die Harefolk Hunter Die Heavy Warrior Die Hero Die Knight of Diamonds Die Martial Artist Die Myrmidon Monk Die Noble Fencer (formerly) Die Professor Die Rhea Fighter Die Rhea Scout (formerly) Die Rookie Warrior Die Sage Die Scout Boy Die Spearman Die Sword Saint Die Warrior Die Witch Die Wizard Die Wizard Boy Die Young Warrior


Dark Elf Die Demon Lord Die Evil Wizard Die Goblin Lord Die Hecatoncheir Die Ice Witch Die Ogre


Apprentice Boy Die Arc Mage Die Burglar Die Cow Girl's Uncle Die Death Die Forest Princess Die Goblin Slayer's Older Sister Die Guild Girl's Colleague Die Illusion Die Inspector Die Life Die Padfoot Waitress Die Senior Guild Receptionist Die Silver-Haired Maid Die Sister Grape Die Smith Die The King Die The Princess Die Truth

TRPG Belvedere Die Choushunka Die Kyuu Die Legato Improvvisazione