Half-Elf Scout (
He is one of the six gold-ranked adventurers renowned for defeating the Demon Lord ten years ago.
Half-Elf Scout has white hair tied into a braid in the back and a dark line located underneath his left eye. He dons a green cloak over a grey vest, camouflage leggings, and boots.
Half-Elf Scout is very light-hearted and likes to make jokes with the other members of his party. Although he is boastful, he is quite easily brought down to earth. He is also admittedly not the bravest adventurer, shaking at the thought of entering the Dungeon of the Dead, though this does not stop him. His motivation for entering the dungeon is to uncover all its secrets and make a name for himself. One of the more money-motivated members of the party, he's usually the one collecting treasure for the party, be it from the treasure chests he opens, or from the bodies of enemies they encounter who were carrying something valuable.
At some point prior to the start of the series, a wizard cast a bug attraction spell on him, which caused him to get stuck in a tree. Half-Elf Scout was eventually rescued by Captain and Female Wizard, and he joined their party out of appreciation. While he'd never been to the Dungeon of the Dead himself, he'd heard enough about it to advise Captain on what size party they should be looking for, and explain how the temple in the fortress city worked.
Goblin Slayer Side Story II: Dai Katana[]
At Fortress City, Half-Elf Scout, Female Wizard, and their captain discussed how to challenge the Dungeon of the Dead; Half-Elf Scout noted that they needed more people and suggested that they find two more frontline fighters along with an additional magic user. After seeing a nearby appraiser being harassed, he watched as the party captain stepped up to defend her before Knight of Diamonds de-escalated the conflict. During the process of recruiting the appraiser, Half-Elf Scout told her of his goal to unearth the dungeon's secrets. He then went with the party to the Temple of the God of Trade, where he watched the captain prepare to spar with their next recruit.
- Lockpicking: He is able to efficiently use a lockpicking kit to open up doors and chests that the party may come across.
- Trap Detection: He is adept at detecting traps, both in the treasure chests the dungeon spawns and in the dungeon's hallways and chambers.
- Trap Disarming: He is skilled at disarming the traps that are often in the dungeon's treasure chests.
- Dagger
- Throwing Knife
- Lockpicks