Goblin Slayer Wiki

A list of races that exist within the series but are hardly mentioned and/or seen in the Four-Cornered World.


Centaurs are a proud people not to be mistaken for Padfoots. As typical in a fantasy series, they possess a horse's body but have a human torso where the head and neck would be. Centaur culture is similar to real world Ancient Mongolian culture and are considered among the very best in open field fighters.

Currently, very few centaur live in established settlements like Centaur Waitress in the Frontier Town[1] or the Athletes in Water Town as most Centaurs prefer to stay in their tribes on the great plains of the Four-Cornered world away from most of the other races.

According to tradition, Centaurs believe that a bloodline becomes stronger the more said union produces offspring, so the youngest child inherits the family estates over the elder children. The act of "bride-taking" or even "groom-taking" is also very common among the Centaurs as their people believe in strengthening one's bloodline above all else. Centaurs also do not use precious metals as currency as they find it "barbaric", instead choosing to use paper currency called "Jiaochao". This however, causes problems when Centaurs try to trade or do business with other races who find no value in the paper.[2]

Centaur Racing, as well as other equine-based Centaur sports, is also a very popular competitive sport in major cities, specifically the female circuit. Centaur living on the Plains don't exactly like these races and games, often suffering from culture shock at how the more Urbanized Centaurs have forgone their nomadic warrior origins in exchange for a more competitive athletic lifestyle. These Centaur's lifestyle similar to the real life "Race Horse" lifestyle, valuing competition and their breeding heritage above all else.


Minotaur are also said to not be mistaken for Padfoots, but as a group are usually not worried about such details. It is stated that some minotaurs become Pray-ers.[1]


Gillmen are an intelligent water-dwelling race. They have a distinctive resemblance to fish. They are referred to by other names such as Innsmouth, and much to their chagrin, "fish-people" and "sea-goblins". They possess emotionless bulging eyes, flippers, fins, and tridents for weapons. Their ancestor is the Octopus Lord who descended from the Sea of Stars.[3]


Undines are water spirits that manifest as a gorgeous woman. They can be used for shaman spells. Elves living in the forest ask them to wash their clothes for them. [4]


Merfolk are a species of humanoids with human upper bodies and a fish like lower body. Presently, no males have been introduced, and both females introduced have been in the employ of the Guild of Rogues as bartenders and singing entertainment for their bar fronts.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Goblin Slayer Light Novel - Volume 6, Chapter 4: The Men with No Names
  2. Goblin Slayer Light Novel - Volume 15, Chapter 1: Rescue the Princess!
  3. Goblin Slayer Light Novel - Volume 8, Chapter 2: Beard-Cutter Goes to the Southern Sea
  4. Goblin Slayer Light Novel - Volume 7, Chapter 2: Beard-Cutter Goes to the Southern River