Magic Scrolls are rare scrolls that contain ancient magic now lost to the current era.
Magic Scrolls are said to be an item usually discovered in ancient ruins, but very rarely. When a Magic Scroll is unrolled, even an infant can cast the spell written in it. Many adventurers simply sell them for a tidy sum to researchers or collectors of curio.
The knowledge of how to make Magic Scrolls are long gone and lost to the point that people such as the oldest high elves cannot remember.[1]
Any of an infinite variety of spells could be written on the scrolls, from the most useful to the most mundane, and they can only be used once. Therefore, one has to decide wisely how best to use it.
Once the scroll is opened, the spell activated within will emit a brilliant light. After the spell has been cast, the scroll reverts into a normal parchment set aflame.
- So far the only magic scroll that appeared is the Gate Scroll which Goblin Slayer used as a weapon against the Ogre.