Goblin Slayer Wiki

Rheas (圃人 (レーア) , Rēa) are meadow-dwelling folk that look mostly human except for their size and their pointed ears.


Rheas are smaller than the average human and are not much for combat (as described by Dwarf Shaman[1]). They reach physical adulthood at around thirty years of age but mental adulthood can be reached way earlier than that.[2] Some of their species love to recite riddles in terms of combat and teaching, Burglar being a notable example. In terms of a typical fantasy setting, they mostly represent a halfling race.

Prejudice against rheas is existent, where they are seen as duplicitous thieves.

Known Rheas[]

Known Rheas
Burglar box
Goblin Slayer TRPG Replay Choushunka
DruidGirl box
RheaFighter box
RheaRanger box
Burglar Choushunka Druid Girl Rhea Fighter Rhea Ranger
RheaScout box
RheaScout minor box
Rhea Scout
Rhea Scout


  1. Goblin Slayer Light Novel - Volume 1, Chapter 5: Unexpected Visitors
  2. Goblin Slayer Light Novel - Volume 6, Chapter 4: The Men with No Names