Goblin Slayer Wiki
Goblin Slayer Wiki

Rookie Warrior (新米戦士, Shinmai Senshi), later titled Club Fighter[2] is an Obsidian ranked Adventurer who is in a three person party with Supreme God's Cleric and Harefolk Hunter.


Rookie Warrior is a young man who wears basic equipment, including leather armor. In the Light Novel, Anime, and mainline manga, he has short blonde hair, but in the "Brand New Day" manga, he erroneously had reddish-brown hair. When he started out, he had minimal armor, but as he's been able to make a better wage, he has added more armor parts in his armory including a breastplate, vambraces, and an armored bandana.


Club Fighter's surprising physique

Despite his young age and rather impoverished lifestyle, Rookie Warrior is pretty fit and well-muscled; revealing a "six pack" when he was undressed.


Rookie Warrior is bit of an airhead, but nonetheless brave, loyal, kind, and far smarter than he lets on. Unlike many wannabe heroes and rookies, Rookie Warrior takes the advice of experts and veterans very seriously and plays his strategies slow, steady, and above all, safe. His preference for safety stems from an incident in his childhood where a friend of his died from an untreated head injury.

Rookie Warrior is also deceptively clever and able to strategize a decent plan with some help and some time. However, because he was raised in a poor fishing village, many write him off as a "dumb, country bumpkin" which seriously pisses him off. Apprentice Cleric on the other hand enjoys using this insecurity to playfully mess with him from time to time.[3]


Apprentice Cleric is not pleased with Rookie Warrior

His strongest attribute is his absolute loyalty to his partner, Apprentice Cleric; border lining on an all but confirmed romantic affection for her. During their most down on their luck times, he will tell her to keep more of their small rewards so she could get better accommodations for the night telling her he "already found a place" which of course meant he was sleeping in a stable or on the street so she could rest better. Unlike many of the rookie Adventurers, or veterans for that matter, Rookie Warrior is not a skirt chaser/harem seeker maintaining a strong loyalty to his partner.

After achieving some success as an Adventurer, Club Fighter decided it was safer and more cost effective to take on quests that didn't involve Monster Slaying.


At first, Rookie Warrior preferred using a sword as his weapon of choice, but is willing to use other weapons if needed. This willingness has opened Rookie Warrior up to keeping the club as his primary weapon and short sword as his secondary; giving him a unique style that even higher ranked adventurers like Half-Elf Warlock take note of earning him a new title for it as he graduated from his rookie days.

  • Dual-Wielding: Club Fighter using both the sword and club at the same time, in tandem with the targe has give Club Fighter a unique style amongst his peers allowing him to deal with a fair number of adversaries at once.


  • Club: When he loses his sword during a fight with giant rats and roaches, he uses a club per Goblin Slayer's suggestion. It eventually becomes his primary weapon. He has named his Clubs "Roach Slayer" and adds a roman numeral for each new one he gets.
  • Sword: Rookie Warrior previously carried a sword, but ends up losing it fighting a giant rat and getting eaten by a giant roach. He would go on to name his short sword "Chest-burster" for this act.
  • Targe: A small shield that he could afford and allows for decent maneuverability.
  • Armored Headgear: Learning from stories of people who had their heads split open, and his own memories of his friend who hit his head, Club Fighter added an armored headband to his equipment to protect his head.


  • In the Funimation dub, he is credited as Greenhorn Warrior.[4]
  • The story of who left who when he left his village with Supreme God's Cleric not only changes depending on who 's telling the story, but also changes every time they bring it up.
    • In Volume 4, Rookie Warrior remembers he followed Apprentice Cleric so he would "protect her", but during Volume 6, he argues with Apprentice Cleric that she followed him.
  • Rookie Warrior and Apprentice Cleric’s English Voice Actor (Matt Shipman) and Actress (Sarah Wiedenheft) have both voiced the main characters from the Arifureta Series. Sarah Wiedenheft voiced Miledi Reisen from Arifureta Zero and Matt Shipman voiced Hajime Nagumo from Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest.
    • Matt Shipman (Rookie Warrior) and Brittany Lauda (Cow Girl) are married in real life.


  1. Goblin Slayer Light Novel - Volume 9, Chapter 1: A Premonition of Destruction
  2. Goblin Slayer Light NovelVolume 12, Chapter 1: Of When You're in the Middle of an Adventure and a Wyvern Shows Up
  3. Goblin Slayer Manga Chapter 65
  4. https://www.funimation.com/blog/2018/10/03/fall-2018-simuldub-lineup/
e - d - vCharacters
Major Characters

GoblinSlayer box Goblin SlayerPriestess box PriestessHighElfArcher box High Elf ArcherDwarfShaman box Dwarf ShamanLizardPriest box Lizard PriestCowGirl box Cow GirlGuildGirl box Guild GirlSwordMaiden box Sword Maiden


Apprentice Cleric Die Captain Die Druid Girl Die Dwarf Scout Die Elf Acolyte Die Elf Swordswoman Die Female Knight Die Female Warrior Die Female Wizard Die Fighter (formerly) Die Half-Elf Light Warrior Die Half-Elf Ranger Die Half-Elf Scout Die Harefolk Hunter Die Heavy Warrior Die Hero Die Knight of Diamonds Die Martial Artist Die Myrmidon Monk Die Noble Fencer (formerly) Die Professor Die Rhea Fighter Die Rhea Scout (formerly) Die Rookie Warrior Die Sage Die Scout Boy Die Spearman Die Sword Saint Die Warrior Die Witch Die Wizard Die Wizard Boy Die Young Warrior


Dark Elf Die Demon Lord Die Evil Wizard Die Goblin Lord Die Hecatoncheir Die Ice Witch Die Ogre


Apprentice Boy Die Arc Mage Die Burglar Die Cow Girl's Uncle Die Death Die Forest Princess Die Goblin Slayer's Older Sister Die Guild Girl's Colleague Die Illusion Die Inspector Die Life Die Padfoot Waitress Die Senior Guild Receptionist Die Silver-Haired Maid Die Sister Grape Die Smith Die The King Die The Princess Die Truth

TRPG Belvedere Die Choushunka Die Kyuu Die Legato Improvvisazione