Goblin Slayer Wiki

I won't make friends tomorrow with an enemy I respect. I'll do it today.

— Spearman

Spearman (槍使い, Yaritsukai) is a silver-ranked Adventurer who is based in the frontier and is partnered with Witch and known as the "Frontier's Strongest".


Spearman has swept back medium length strawberry blond hair and same color eyes. He usually wears blue armor with dark yellow outlines. As his name implies, he often carries a long spear.


LN Vol 01-02

The usual Spearman and Goblin Slayer interaction

Spearman is confident in his fighting abilities and always presents himself as a courageous warrior when trying to impress women, mostly Guild Girl. Despite this desire to woo the ladies, Spearman hilariously cannot seem to grasp that Witch is very romantically interested in him.

Unlike some Adventurers, he has a sense of justice that pushes him to do what's right, even when there is little monetary gain. He is also popular with rookie Adventurers in part due to his ranking and because he's seen helping in weapons training, until the get to known him and still respect him, but become quickly annoyed by his personality. Despite his outward appearance, he's good at looking out for others.

For a long time, Spearman had a strong one-sided rivalry with Goblin Slayer, and he still does for the most part, but he's mellowed out. This mainly stemmed from Spearman believing Goblin Slayer was looking down on him, didn't acknowledge his impressive achievements, and so on, only to eventually finally realize Goblin Slayer is just a man of few words. Since accepting that, Spearman still feels the need to compete with Goblin Slayer, but is much more friendly with him.

Quite a lot of Spearman's competitive issues and desire for praise stems from his rather shockingly emotionally abusive upbringing. Born third son to a farm, he had no hopes of inheritance and was constantly belittled by his family as they downplayed any of his achievements; this caused him to not only runaway, but run to the opposite side of the Kingdom to get as far away as possible. After defeating the Rock Eater, Spearman hired a scribe to pen a letter to his family and hometown to boast of his defeat of the Rock Eater, only to have his family call him out for "taking advantage of everyone else's collective efforts" and "just delivering the final blow", cementing his need for everyone else's approval.



Spearman grew up in the Eastern or Central regions of The Kingdom where he grew up on a farm as the third born son. He was belittled constantly by his family, and thus deciding to become an Adventurer and start his own legend. He then stole one of his father's or grandfather's old spears, and ran away to the Western Frontier to get as far away from his family and hometown as possible.

Year One Volume 1[]

Spearman (Manga - Gaiden)

Spearman as a rookie

Spearman registered on the same day as Goblin Slayer, accompanied by his future party member, Witch. He would start to make a name for himself pretty quickly, earning him many compliments. He eventually met up with fellow rookie Goblin Slayer, trying to impress him with stories of his incredible feats, which indeed worked, however, he failed to realize Goblin Slayer was ridiculously stoic. The resulting silence from Goblin Slayer, and Guild Girl's obvious infatuation with him caused Spearman to form a one-sided rivalry with him...one Goblin Slayer was never aware of. Eventually, Witch convinced him to help her escort Cow Girl to the ruins of her old village to find closure, though he complained about how boring it was, he did the job diligently.

When the Rock Eater had finally become a problem large enough that a large scale effort of cooperation was asked of the Frontier Adventurers looking to make a name for themselves. During the battle against the Rock Eater, Spearman stood out among the other rookies, showing combat prowess earning him a great deal of respect. He swiftly saved Witch when her magic bounced off the Rock Eater and held the line alongside Heavy Warrior and Female Knight with Witch as his back up. As the experts had seriously wounded the Rock Eater with their ballista, Spearman used the moment to launch himself up and finished the creature off.

With the creature's death he went to the Temple of the Earth Mother with the others to heal. However, Spearman had gone outside and found the passed out Goblin Slayer by the door and brought him inside for help. Since he wasn't seriously injured, Spearman decided to put Goblin Slayer in the corner somewhere so he could get some rest.

Sometime later, Spearman had sent a letter back to his hometown in order to impress his family about his recent major achievement of killing the Rock Eater. However, he realized his family was not impressed; in fact, they chided him for taking sole credit for a clear team effort.

Year One Volume 2[]

Thanks to defeating the Rock Eater, Spearman had been promoted to Obsidian rank and was riding high off the defeat of the monster. Guild Girl had approached him with a request from Witch to form an Adventurer Party with him, something he mistook as Guild Girl flirting with him, and forever cemented his affections for her, much to her regret.

He eventually had a meeting with Witch and admiring her many beautiful traits, he agreed to form a Part with her and rushed to find them a Quest. When she asked him if he agreed because of her incredible beauty, he flatly told her "Yes, they're a plus", earning him points for his honesty and admitting their was indeed more that he saw in her.

The two went on a Subjugation Quest, hunting a Cockatrice that was owned by a Warlock (in the manga, Spearman and Witch killed the Warlock as well). Spearman had over estimated himself, and instead of killing the Cockatrice, he had wounded it and lost his spear. As the Cockatrice targeted Witch, Spearman cursed his stupidity for leaving her undefended and distracted the Cockatrice to protect her. As she casts Spider Web, Spearman used the opportunity to finish the Cockatrice off. He became disappointed with when the loot was not a magic spear as he thought, but a magic staff, one he gifted to Witch to help the two build their careers instead of selling it and splitting the reward. He then told her he was looking forward to more adventures with her, not realizing he had forever won the heart of the most beautiful Adventurer in the Frontier.

Goblin Slayer Volume 1[]

Upon seeing Goblin Slayer, Spearman expresses disgust with a man of Goblin Slayer's rank taking all the "easy jobs" from the new rookies, which in turn leads the other Adventurers at the guild to mock him as well.[1] On multiple occasions after completing a quest, Spearman tries to brag to Guild Girl about it, but only for her attention to move onto Goblin Slayer, much to his annoyance and Witch's humor. At one point, Spearman manages to see Goblin Slayer unmasked, believing he is a rookie, and gives him some friendly advice, including "get some sun for that pale skin" as he wishes the "rookie" well.

Spearman agrees to help Goblin Slayer

Spearman agrees to help

When Goblin Slayer asked the Adventurers in the guild to help defend the farm against a Goblin Lord, Spearman initially rejects his request, on the principle that for an Adventurer to do anything, a reward had to be given in return. However, after Goblin Slayer offered everything he had as well as his life, an exasperated Spearman agrees to help, only asking for a drink which causes a few of the other veterans to consider helping out.[2]

Adventurers killing goblin champions

Spearman vs Goblin Champion

During the Defense of the Farm, Spearman is given command of the Adventurers who will be defending against the Goblins riding wolves. Suddenly, the arrival of Goblin Champions forces Spearman to the front lines after his break, where he is the only one to single-handedly defeat a champion by himself. With their victory, he enjoys a drink on Goblin Slayer's coin and parties with the rest of the Guild. Suddenly, as the Guild goes into an uproar with Goblin Slayer taking off his helmet, Spearman begins to put two and two together that he'd already seen him unmasked but never realized it!

Goblin Slayer Volume 2[]

LN Vol 02-10

He's no one's errand boy

As Goblin Slayer and his Party were in the Water Town under request of the Sword Maiden, Goblin Slayer made a request for aid from Spearman. Sadly for Spearman, Goblin Slayer only requested that he bring him flour from the Frontier Town, which seriously annoyed him. As he gave Goblin Slayer the flour he made sure Goblin Slayer knew how annoyed he was about such a "boring request" and asks for an explanation.

Goblin Slayer went on to explain that the flour from Water Town was far too fine for what he had planned, but Spearman quickly lost interest and walked off regretting ever asked.

Goblin Slayer Volume 3[]

LN Vol 03-04

Spearman enjoys High Elf Archer's drunken complaints

With the coming of the Harvest Festival, Spearman takes a break with Witch and members of Goblin Slayer's Party, enjoying the drunken cries of High Elf Archer who complains about Goblin Slayer's stoic antics. As Goblin Slayer returns, Spearman is shocked when Guild Girl asks Goblin Slayer on a date during the coming Festival, so much so he tries to speak out, only to be silenced literally with a Silence spell by Witch.

As Goblin Slayer agrees to Guild Girl's proposal, Spearman spends the rest of the Festival comically heartbroken with Witch who was beyond thrilled.

Goblin Slayer Volume 4[]

LN Vol 04-03

An Unexpected Party goes on an Unexpected Journey

As Rookie Warrior and Apprentice Cleric need some help, Spearman offers them advice and even offers to lend them one of his enchanted spears, but openly admits that the weapons would do them no good as Rookie Warrior does not know how to use them and he currently lacks to skill to use said weapons properly. Witch steps in for him and offers them a better solution and a choice between potential money or to keep a useful item. With that, the two set off an another "date/adventure" wishing the Rookie Duo luck.

Due to the lack of qualified adventurers, Spearman joins Heavy Warrior, much to the man's annoyance, at Guild Girl's request, along Goblin Slayer in a temporary party to investigate a mysterious tower. Outside the tower, Spearman is shocked at Goblin Slayer's strategy to just bypass the entire tower by climbing it, Spearman making it clear he's missing out on some potentially sweet loot alongside the fighting. Still the trio agree to go with Goblin Slayer's plan and at first annoyed he's bringing up the rear, Spearman complains, until he reminds them the Wizard is supposed to be on the back row. Climbing, they are confronted by many Gargoyles summoned by the Evil Wizard within, but Spearman is able to kill them with his Slow spell.

A top the tower, Spearman cracks a joke about Witch being too "top heavy" to make such a climb, only for it to land on deaf forcing him to explain it to Goblin Slayer as Heavy Warrior directs their attention to the Evil Wizard. As Goblin Slayer throws his sword and kills him, Spearman complains about not letting the Wizard finish monologuing, only to be shocked when he arises again stating he cannot be killed. Fighting the summoned monsters, and seeing the Evil Wizard about to fire a spell, Spearman slays many Gargoyles and mentions he needs an opening to perform another spell. Thanks the Goblin Slayer, Spearman casts Spider Web and takes the advice to throw the Wizard off the Tower so he would "die" and not be "killed". With this, he proudly announces he beat Goblin Slayer in the "How many you killed" game and rushes off to get the loot, missing Goblin Slayer reminding him that there were no Goblins, so of course he didn't win.

Goblin Slayer Volume 5[]

LN Vol 05-07

Spearman doesn't like the Winter Season

During the Winter season, Spearman and Witch went another date adventure, this time fighting against some sort of "descendant of the Frost Giants". By the time they returned to the Guild, Spearman complained about for long and difficult even for him, but he was happy t be back, as he complained about the cold. Guild Girl and Cow Girl welcomed him back, informing him that he once again made it back before Goblin Slayer which pleased him, causing all three girls to chuckle.

As the New Years party begins, Spearman spends the party with Witch and anyone who willing to listen to his incredible stories of the the past year. He goes on to impress many, an exasperate more as he usually does putting a smile on Witch's face.

Goblin Slayer Volume 6[]

LN Vol 06-11

Guy's Night Out

With the coming of Spring, new rookies join the Guild trying to make a name for themselves. Spearman stands out, giving them advice and showing off as usual.

Later, Spearman goes to the new Training Center to help train up some rookies up, and to impress Guild Girl. However, most of the second year rookies and even some of the first years like Wizard Boy have come to lose their hero worship of him listing his numerous negative qualities. This causes Spearman to quickly round out their stupid mistakes, and be a little harder on them during training, especially on Wizard Boy who the veterans decided needed to be taken down a few notches. Thoroughly wearing the rookies out, Spearman invited Goblin Slayer on a "Guys Night Out" with him and Heavy Warrior, having already cleared it with Cow Girl earlier. After their night of fun, Spearman, Heavy Warrior, and Goblin Slayer admit that their dreams will cement their names in history; but also agree the rookies they mentor will instead.

The next night, Goblins attack the training center and Spearman brings Witch and other veterans to Goblin Slayer so he can lead them against the Goblins underground. Spearman is able to stand his ground all the while complaining about how much he hates Goblins. Luckily Priestess is able to lead the Rookies to safety above allowing Goblin Slayer and Spearman to successfully slaughter the Goblins below.

Goblin Slayer Volume 7[]

During a mail call, Spearman gets a special summons from the Capital exciting him. He, like everyone else in the Guild, overhears High Elf Archer announce "It's time to get married" but unlike the other young men with female partners who clearly want to marry them, Spearman is unphased.

Goblin Slayer Volume 10[]

LN Vol 10-09

Spearman really doesn't know she's the Hero, seriously

As negative rumors about Priestess's friend Sister Grape began to spread, Spearman and the other Adventurers begin to feel the need to take action. After Rhea Chef and Padfoot Waitress confirm conspicuous movements in the background from a Wine Merchant as well as Goblin Slayer confirming an Undead breeding ground nearby, Spearman and the other Adventurers take it upon to themselves to investigate.

As the Adventurers collaborate on people to inform, Spearman goes to visit a friend in the Capital, "Spear Girl", to inform her about the undead and movements in the Frontier. He is completely unawares however, that Spear Girl is really Hero incognito.

When things were exposed as a Forces of Chaos scheme like they thought, Spearman and Witch unite with Heavy Warrior and Female Knight against the Undead nest, making sure the larger forces couldn't move against the Temple of the Earth Mother in town. Together, he and the others are victorious.

Goblin Slayer Volume 11[]

LN Vol 11-05

It's hard being "popular"

When Female Merchant arrived at the Guild requesting aid from Goblin Slayer, Spearman is approached by Female Merchant and Priestess begging to know about the Desert Kingdom to the East.

Though he is at first hesitant to give out important survival information for free and admitting he's not exactly a desert survival expert, seeing the pretty young ladies asking for his help breaks him. As he warns them about the importance of Water, Protection from the daytime heat and nighttime cold, and sandstorms, he is sidelined by Witch who continues to hype the young girls' imaginations. As they continue to hound him for information, Spearman curses how "awesome" he is.

Goblin Slayer Volume 12[]

LN Vol 12-13

Unexpected Journey part 2

As the Forces of Chaos destroyed a city and were preparing for a ritual, Heavy Warrior was requested to reform his specialized team again to handle the situation, something Spearman jumps at the opportunity to do. Together, the trio contract Wizard Boy and Rhea Fighter to do preliminary scouting for them, and much to his horror, Heavy Warrior agreed with Goblin Slayer's plan to infiltrate the city via the sewers with Breath Rings. As they rise from the sewage waters to meet up with Wizard Boy, Spearman complains about the disgusting start to their adventure as Heavy Warrior delights in his suffering.

As they send Wizard Boy and Rhea Fighter to safety and begin their infiltration, Spearman nonchalantly asks his fellows what they're getting their women, Female Knight & Cow Girl, for the coming Yule Festival. When Heavy Warrior cops out and states he'll just give Female Knight something alcoholic, Spearman chides him but he is surprised when he hears Goblin Slayer already gifted Cow Girl a Red Dragon scale. As they find a man prepared to be sacrificed, Spearman jumps in to rescue him, only for the man to exploded into a swarm of slimes that cover Spearman all over much to the hilarity of Heavy Warrior. In the next room, Spearman and the others find a Dark Elf woman, strung up to be sacrificed, but this time Spearman is more cautious as Goblin Slayer rescues her. Helping the Dark Elf Woman recover, she warns the trio that there are no more prisoners and ahead of them a agent of the Forces of Chaos is preparing for a ceremony. Spearman then watches as she disappears into the shadows proclaiming she is through following the Forces of Chaos.

Entering the next room, the trio are faced with a Big Eye Monster who summons a Chaos Marine to battle them. The trio put up a valiant fight and are able to come out victorious, but are disappointed in the loot. Spearman and Heavy Warrior both lament how the heaps of gold, usually eaten up buying supplies between missions, and enchanted weapons that don't suit them used to send them over the moon but no longer. Goblin Slayer is able to turn things around reminding them that such loot regardless never aided them in their goals, but the adventure did. Satisfied, the trio leave victorious, but Spearman complains about how they'll have to leave through the sewers again.

Later, back in the Guild, Spearman does something nice for Witch for the coming Yule Festival, having been inspired by Heavy Warrior and Goblin Slayer, sending her through the roof with happiness.

Goblin Slayer Volume 13[]

LN Vol 13-09

Guys Night Out with games!

During the Winter Season, Spearman is invited to the Dear Friend Ax Tavern alongside Heavy Warrior by Goblin Slayer, much to their surprise. During the meal, Spearman is surprised to find Goblin Slayer had brought a tabletop game as well, explaining Guild Girl had asked him to head the Practice Dungeon and he wanted to test a couple strategies with them. Spearman gets into the tabletop and decides to role play as a Dwarf Scout, only to be reminded by Heavy Warrior that his race and class don't usually mix well. Annoyed, Spearman defends his choice in race and class and dares Heavy Warrior to do better as they begin the game. The results of their game is never revealed.

As he was preparing for a coming Adventure, Spearman runs into The Girl at Smith's shop and he tried to encourage her in his usual bombastic way, only to intimidate her until Witch steps in and saves him from the situation he caused.

Later on, he goes on an Adventure with Witch on the request of someone searching for the "secret of immortality", while he diligently does his job, Spearman can't help but chuckle with Witch about someone trying to become immortal.

Goblin Slayer Volume 15[]

Spearman returns to the Dear Friend Ax Tavern and is annoyed that he missed the humiliation of Heavy Warrior when Baturu came to the Frontier Town and accused him of harassment and Princess kidnapping. He admits he wished he was there to watch everything go down, and laughs that Heavy Warrior owes Goblin Slayer big time for clearing him out of trouble.

Abilities & Equipment[]

As a silver-ranked Adventurer, as well as being known as the "Frontier's Strongest", Spearman is a powerful warrior and wizard with years of experience in fighting monsters and exploring. His abilities are openly acknowledged by other high ranking adventurers, including fellow silver-ranked such as Goblin Slayer and Heavy Warrior, even being offered a position in the Royal Guard.

  • Spearmanship: True to his name, Spearman is proficient in wielding his spear for battle.
  • Magic: Spearman is capable of using magic, though he admits it is not his main class. He can only use two spells a day.


  • Enchanted Spear
  • Knife
  • Short Sword
  • Armor



  • In the textboard version of the series, Spearman's placeholder design was that of Lancer from Fate/stay night.[4]


  1. Goblin Slayer Light Novel - Volume 1, Chapter 2: Cow Girl's Day
  2. Goblin Slayer Light Novel - Volume 1, Chapter 11: A Party of Adventurers
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named v4c6
  4. https://yaruok.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-4323.html
e - d - vCharacters
Major Characters

GoblinSlayer box Goblin SlayerPriestess box PriestessHighElfArcher box High Elf ArcherDwarfShaman box Dwarf ShamanLizardPriest box Lizard PriestCowGirl box Cow GirlGuildGirl box Guild GirlSwordMaiden box Sword Maiden


Apprentice Cleric Die Captain Die Druid Girl Die Dwarf Scout Die Elf Acolyte Die Elf Swordswoman Die Female Knight Die Female Warrior Die Female Wizard Die Fighter (formerly) Die Half-Elf Light Warrior Die Half-Elf Ranger Die Half-Elf Scout Die Harefolk Hunter Die Heavy Warrior Die Hero Die Knight of Diamonds Die Martial Artist Die Myrmidon Monk Die Noble Fencer (formerly) Die Professor Die Rhea Fighter Die Rhea Scout (formerly) Die Rookie Warrior Die Sage Die Scout Boy Die Spearman Die Sword Saint Die Warrior Die Witch Die Wizard Die Wizard Boy Die Young Warrior


Dark Elf Die Demon Lord Die Evil Wizard Die Goblin Lord Die Hecatoncheir Die Ice Witch Die Ogre


Apprentice Boy Die Arc Mage Die Burglar Die Cow Girl's Uncle Die Death Die Forest Princess Die Goblin Slayer's Older Sister Die Guild Girl's Colleague Die Illusion Die Inspector Die Life Die Padfoot Waitress Die Senior Guild Receptionist Die Silver-Haired Maid Die Sister Grape Die Smith Die The King Die The Princess Die Truth

TRPG Belvedere Die Choushunka Die Kyuu Die Legato Improvvisazione