Goblin Slayer Wiki

The Girl is a small girl from a remote village who answered the call to adventure after trying out a practice Dungeon designed by Goblin Slayer and Guild Girl. Her incredible luck helps her survive and carve out her own legend.


Short and even considered “Scrawny” by most who see her, the Girl is shorter than most her age and sports long black hair and pale white skin. After discovering a chunk of black onyx during the practice Dungeon, she carries it around her neck as a pendant.

As she continues her adventures, the Girl has added a small breastplate, backpack, and armored bandana to her equipment.


Meek and quiet, the Girl was a quiet young girl who mainly used “politeness” to escape her constant bullying, agreeing with everything the other kids said. Her drunkard father also verbally abused her, causing her to withdraw within herself. However, after completing the practice dungeon, she found a new form of confidence and began standing up to her bullies by simply walking away. According to Guild Girl, she appears to be unable to read or write complex words and sentences, needing help in writing anything that wasn’t her name.



Born to a retired mercenary who was from the town pariah, the Scrawny Girl was often ignored and bullied by the other kids of her village. She would spend her days getting verbally abused by her drunk father and would vent her problems by picking up a stick, pretending it was a sword, and playing that she was an Adventurer. She also lost her mother at some point so long ago, although she doesn’t remember her face.

Goblin Slayer Volume 13[]

LN Vol 13-05

Adventure Calls...

During the Winter, when the Frontier Town began hosting a practice Dungeon, the Scrawny Girl had traveled to the town to partake in the event, despite kids from her village being completely unimpressed with her.

Preparing for the event, she went to Smith’s shop for supplies. However, her lack of confidence stopped her from approaching the man as she continued to window shop. The arrival of Spearman, who unintentionally intimidated her, and Witch, whose motherly aura helped her find the confidence to ask the Blacksmith for advice about helmets and lanterns. Touched, Blacksmith threw in some scented lantern oil for her.

During the event, the Scrawny Girl had done fairly well early on, earning three small gems as proof of her accomplishments, but a run-in with fake Goblins and a real Goblin had almost caused her to lose everything, but her luck and tenacity had saved her life. The results, however, caused her to go down a secret passage into a real dungeon, unbeknownst to her.

LN Vol 13-13

The Scrawny Girl shows her mettle

Lost, the Scrawny Girl tried to continue believing she was still in the practice Dungeon; her fortunes started to turn when she found all of Goblin Slayer’s equipment lying around that he had lost in battle with the Goblins above her. She used the items to battle a large snake monster and came upon a sarcophagus of a sorcerer who became a Fire Demon. Still believing this to be part of the practice Dungeon, the Scrawny girl made attempts to defeat him but his rude comments began to make her feel angry, angry enough to use a scroll from Goblin Slayer’s pouch which held the Star of Muala, a meteor spell that smote the Fire Demon instantly. Victorious, the Scrawny Girl saw a chunk of Black Onyx behind where the Fire Demon once stood and she claimed it for herself. As Goblin Slayer found her and escorted her back to the surface, she told him she had fun during the event, but the last instructor was "very mean"; Goblin Slayer had not the heart to reveal to her she was in real danger the entire time.

A few days later, the Scrawny Girl, now a full-fledged Porcelain Adventurer, walked past her former bullies now shocked to see her as a real Adventurer, and she even remembered Goblin Slayer, openly thanking him. She had turned the chunk of Black Onyx into a pendant and started off to the sewers so she could earn money to try the Adventurer training camp. The Authors revealed that this was the start of her adventure and that she was a new Hero.

Goblin Slayer Volume 14[]

At some point after Goblin Slayer and his Party had returned from the Northern lands, the Girl began her journey to the Northern lands as well. Having passed through the Harefolk Village and through the mountains, she met a Viking guardsman who asked if she was an Adventurer, which she proudly admitted to him and herself that she was indeed an Adventurer.

Goblin Slayer Volume 15[]

LN Vol 15-06

Cow Girl and the Girl meet

As Cow Girl and Guild Girl enjoyed a break and a brunch, the Girl was finishing her own breakfast provided by Padfoot Waitress, and set out on a new adventure with Cow Girl’s reassurance that she was on an adventure of her own.

Goblin Slayer Volume 16[]

After sharing a cart ride with Choushunka and Belvedere's Party, the Girl arrived in the Royal Capital to see the Jousting Tournament. Going their separate ways, she wished the two girls and their Party Members luck on their next adventure. After exploring the city, The Girl ran into "Spear Girl" and her Party outside the gates of the Castle. As the two became friendly, The Princess greeted the people on her balcony and The Girl noted how Spear Girl claimed something seemed "off" about her.

Later, The Girl decided to check out the Jousting Tournament, during the semi-finals as the Vampire Lord sent his gargoyles to attack. After getting some encouragement from Examiner and his Sorceress friend, The Girl joined in the defense of the Capital.


A novice warrior whose sword is longer and heavier than her, all this doesn’t stop the Girl from trying and succeeding to prove herself. Despite her small stature, The Girl has been able to succeed in her quests and started making a name for herself.


  • Longsword: The Girl carries her father’s longsword; one that is described as being taller than her and even weighs more than her causing her to lean to one side when carrying it in its sheath. Despite this however, she seems pretty adept that wielding the sword, being able to best Goblins with it with relative ease even when she was a clumsy rookie.
  • Star of Muala Scroll: The Girl found this magic scroll during the practice Dungeon after Goblin Slayer's pouch was ripped. Using this scroll, The Girl gained access to the powerful Meteor spell the "Star of Muala" which was powerful enough to completely destroy a Fire Demon.


The Girl is extremely lucky, while being completely unaware of this trait, The Girl has been able to survive surprise encounters with Goblins and Fire Demons. This Luck has also saved her when crossing the Northern Mountains, as she fell into a snow drift which, as described by the writer, saved her from falling into the valley below that would of resulted in a painful death. "She didn’t know that in that case, her flesh would have been rent by sharp rocks and ice as keen as steel." [1]


  • The Girl has no official name or title yet in the Novels, instead being describe as a “Small Girl with a Black Pendent”, why she has no official title yet is unknown but as of Volume 16, she's still being called "The Girl".
  • Volume 13 makes reference to her real name once when Guild Girl helps her fill out her Character Sheet, to date, this is the closest a character has come to having a real name revealed, with the name even being described as "like a storm".


e - d - vCharacters
Major Characters

GoblinSlayer box Goblin SlayerPriestess box PriestessHighElfArcher box High Elf ArcherDwarfShaman box Dwarf ShamanLizardPriest box Lizard PriestCowGirl box Cow GirlGuildGirl box Guild GirlSwordMaiden box Sword Maiden


Apprentice Cleric Die Captain Die Druid Girl Die Dwarf Scout Die Elf Acolyte Die Elf Swordswoman Die Female Knight Die Female Warrior Die Female Wizard Die Fighter (formerly) Die Half-Elf Light Warrior Die Half-Elf Ranger Die Half-Elf Scout Die Harefolk Hunter Die Heavy Warrior Die Hero Die Knight of Diamonds Die Martial Artist Die Myrmidon Monk Die Noble Fencer (formerly) Die Professor Die Rhea Fighter Die Rhea Scout (formerly) Die Rookie Warrior Die Sage Die Scout Boy Die Spearman Die Sword Saint Die Warrior Die Witch Die Wizard Die Wizard Boy Die Young Warrior


Dark Elf Die Demon Lord Die Evil Wizard Die Goblin Lord Die Hecatoncheir Die Ice Witch Die Ogre


Apprentice Boy Die Arc Mage Die Burglar Die Cow Girl's Uncle Die Death Die Forest Princess Die Goblin Slayer's Older Sister Die Guild Girl's Colleague Die Illusion Die Inspector Die Life Die Padfoot Waitress Die Senior Guild Receptionist Die Silver-Haired Maid Die Sister Grape Die Smith Die The King Die The Princess Die Truth

TRPG Belvedere Die Choushunka Die Kyuu Die Legato Improvvisazione
  1. Kagyu, Kumo. Goblin Slayer, Vol. 14 (light novel) (Goblin Slayer (Light Novel)) (p. 248). Yen Press. Kindle Edition.