Goblin Slayer Wiki

This is part of the twenty-fifth chapter of the Year One manga.

Official Description[]

Once again, Goblin Slayer proves that goblins aren't the only baddies he can put down.
— Year One Chapter 25.5's official description.

Full Summary[]

Pinned down, Goblin Slayer breaks off the bottom of his spear and kills the wolf on top of him by impaling its eye, before killing the other wolf by shoving his torch down its throat. As goblins approach, Arc Mage proclaims to Goblin Slayer that he would protect his quest giver, and Goblin Slayer adds that he will kill all of the goblins.

Major Events[]

Character Appearance[]

GoblinSlayer box
ArcMage box
Goblin Slayer Arc Mage

Chapter Notes[]



e - d - vYear One Manga
Chapters 123456789101112131415161717.518192020.5212222.523242525.526272829303132333435363738394041424343.54445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101