Goblin Slayer Wiki

This is the twenty-sixth chapter of the Year One manga.

Official Description[]

Arc Mage's crash course in goblin slaying continues! But when two special types show up and start fighting dirty, Goblin Slayer proves that he too can hit below the belt!
— Year One Chapter 26's official description.

Full Summary[]

The goblins attempt to overwhelm Arc Mage and Goblin Slayer with their numbers by coming from in front of and behind them. In response, Goblin Slayer positions himself against a wall and dispatches them with a torch and a club ignited with fire. Immediately after Arc Mage praises Goblin Slayer, a goblin shaman and a hobgoblin holding a village girl confront them both. Recalling that hobgoblins didn't know how to use a shield, Goblin Slayer throws a sword at the hobgoblin's groin, before preventing the shaman from casting a spell by stabbing its throat. After kicking the sword further in the hobgoblin's body, Goblin Slayer bludgeons its head with his shield and counts twelve goblins killed.

Major Events[]

  • Goblin Slayer kills most of the goblins, along with a shaman and hobgoblin.

Character Appearance[]

ArcMage box
GoblinSlayer box
Arc Mage Goblin Slayer

Chapter Notes[]



e - d - vYear One Manga
Chapters 123456789101112131415161717.518192020.5212222.523242525.526272829303132333435363738394041424343.54445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101